Student Supports
WDMCS offers valuable resources to support the success of your student including counselors, English speakers of Other Languages, Special Education, and Gifted and Talented.
Elementary Supports
Elementary school counselors are trained educators with expertise in child development, learning strategies, self-management, and social skills. They are dedicated to ensuring success for today's diverse students.
WDMC elementary counselors oversee a counseling program designed to includes educational, preventive, and intervention activities. It focuses on teaching students the essential knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary for academic, career, and social/emotional development, forming a solid foundation for future success.
Our counselors work closely with teachers and parents/guardians to identify and address children's academic and social/emotional needs early on. This collaboration is crucial for eliminating obstacles to learning and fostering the development of essential skills and behaviors necessary for academic success.
(Source: American School Counselor Association)
Elementary Counselors
Morgan Carroll
Terri Fritz
Jill Curry
Madeline Schulte
Kelly Henderson
Barb Tigges
Jessica Wear
Ayla Leopold
English Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
In West Des Moines Community Schools, students come from homes with different cultures and languages – more than 70 languages! About 10% of our students are in the English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) program to help them improve their academic English.
The program offers different services like a newcomer program, standalone English classes, team teaching, or special instruction. All English learners get help from an ESOL teacher, and the services connect with the regular school lessons.
Parents/guardians can choose not to have their child in the ESOL program if they want. There's a meeting to talk about any worries and possible outcomes, and they sign a form every year. They can decide to join the program later if they want.
If an English learner has to go to a different school for ESOL services, free transportation is provided. If bus fees are a problem, parents can talk to the school secretary or principal to see if they can get help.
Gifted and Talented
The Gifted/Talented Program identifies and supports students who have exceptional abilities, talents, and the potential to perform at a high level. These students may need special accommodations to meet their educational needs. Outstanding abilities can be found in all ethnic and cultural groups, across different economic backgrounds, and in students with disabilities (known as twice-exceptional). Gifted students excel in areas like general intellectual ability, specific academic skills in core subjects, creative thinking, visual or performing arts, and leadership.
Program Goals
The WDMCS Gifted/Talented Team
- will use different ways to find gifted students and understand what they need.
- will create programs to help gifted students with their different needs.
- will teach all staff how to support advanced learners by offering learning opportunities.
Special Education
Our goals for the Special Education program at West Des Moines Community Schools follow state and federal laws like the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). These laws make sure that all students with disabilities get a free, suitable education tailored to their special needs. They also protect the rights of children and their parents or guardians. Additionally, the laws help states and local districts assess students' strengths and weaknesses to make sure the education provided is effective.
Enrolling Your Student
If you move to WDMCS and your child has an Individualized Education Program (IEP), you'll find similar programs and services in all our schools. Most students with disabilities go to their neighborhood school. If a student needs more support, they might go to a specific school for services. Once you find a home in the district, make sure to finish the student enrollment requirements.